Perfectionism is not what most of us think it is. We don’t have to line up everything perfectly, have our rooms tidy, or make straight As all the time to be perfectionists. Perfectionism is the need to do better than excellent or just so in most areas of our lives. Some common beliefs and behaviors are:
Perfectionism And Procrastination
Having inflexible standards for yourself or others
Anger, resentment, or sadness when the standards are not met
Either not feeling positive feelings about accomplishing something or the feelings are short-lived
Difficulty coping with criticism or perceived criticism
Trouble getting started with or with completing tasks
We use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to address faulty thinking and beliefs. The goal is to help you become aware of how perfectionism is impacting you negatively and learn a more functional way of dealing with your beliefs about it. We use exposures to practice new behaviors to challenge your perfectionistic ways. Procrastination goes hand-in-hand with perfectionism and we take special care to address it’s impact on your life.
How We Can Help:
Cognitive Behavioral Treatment for Perfectionism And Procrastination
Cognitive Tools
Challenging beliefs and thoughts related to perfectionism and their relationship with self esteem
Behavioral Tools
Exposures to start doing things imperfectly on purpose and addressing avoidance and procrastination
Self Compassion
Encouraging and fostering self compassion
International OCD Foundation
Anxiety and Depression Association of America
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
When Perfect Isn't Good Enough by Martin Anthony, PhD and Richard Swinson, MD